Career Development

careers development coaching

Are you

  • Feeling stuck and need the motivation and support to move forward?
  • Considering a career change to one that fits better with your skills and personality?
  • Looking to return to work after a career break or redundancy?

Focus on your potential instead of your limitations

                                      –  Alan Loy McGinnis 

What to Expect

A career development programme tailored to you, with emphasis on areas where you need the most support. 


Time to step back, with the help of self- reflection exercises and in-depth coaching. We focus on transferable skills, motivation, preferred working environment, interests and values – all of which shift over your working life.


Consider and research different career options and assess how well each matches your strengths, skills, values and fits with your lifestyle and aspirations.


Plan and execute a successful job search strategy.

One-off Coaching

An individual coaching session is ideal if you need help in one area